Team Members
Nadya Vinogradova Shiffer
Program Scientist, 2014-2017, 2017-2020, 2021-2024, 2024-2028

Dr. Vinogradova Shiffer directs the NASA Sea Level Change Team and the broader NASA Ocean Physics program at NASA Headquarters, Science Mission Directorate, in Washington, DC. She provides scientific leadership for the development, launch, and scientific exploration for all NASA missions related to ocean physics, forms and directs multiple science teams to study the ocean’s role in the Earth climate system, and is responsible for a diverse portfolio that operates on an annual budget of tens of millions of dollars. Her vision of the NASA sea-level team is to enable a collaborative, inter-disciplinary science environment where everyone works toward a common goal of improving physics-based and data-driven projections of future sea level change. Prior to directing the team and the NASA Ocean Physics program, Nadya was a science member of multiple NASA science teams, including Sea Level Change, and the principal scientist and the founder of a research non-profit. She used NASA satellite observations and climate models to understand and predict changes in sea level and Earth’s water cycle, and gained recognition for her work on the effects of gravitational and ocean dynamics on sea level, as well as the exchange of freshwater within the ocean-land-atmosphere system.