This view of the Earth's horizon looks across a cloudy Pacific Ocean as the International Space Station orbited 271 miles above off the coast of southern Chile in South America. Credit: NASA

This view of the Earth's horizon looks across a cloudy Pacific Ocean as the International Space Station orbited 271 miles above off the coast of southern Chile in South America. Credit: NASA

Are you attending the 2021 American Geophysical Union (AGU) conference? Catch members of the NASA Sea Level Change Team deliver presentations on the latest in sea level science. (Click each item below to learn more.)

Tuesday, 14 December at 2:49 p.m. CT

The Impact of Surface Radiation Budget Errors on Estimates of Greenland Ice Surface Energy Balance and Mass Balance

(Session GC24E-03, Convention Center - Room 208-210)

Wednesday, 15 December at 8 a.m. CT

Geodesy for Climate Research

(Session G31A, Convention Center - Room 350-351)

Wednesday, 15 December at 11:15 a.m. CT

NASA Sea-Level Change Team: From Observation to Actionable Information

(Session TH33C, Convention Center - Room 348-349)

Wednesday, 15 December at 4 p.m. CT

Poster: "The land ice representation in the NASA Goddard seasonal forecasting system"

(Session C35D-0912, Convention Center - Poster Hall, D-F)

Thursday, 16 December at 8:17 a.m. CT

Compressible Extended Burgers Rheology and Island Subsidence During Melt Water Events

(Session DI41A-04, Convention Center - Room 338-339)

Friday, 17 December at 8:09 a.m. CT

Collaborative Sea-Level Science on NASA’s Science Managed Cloud Environment: Toward an Earth Information System

(Session IN51A-02, Convention Center - Room 288-290)

Friday, 17 December at 10 a.m. CT

Ocean circulation and climate effects on US East Coast sea-level trends since 1900

(Session G52A-04, Convention Center – Room 352)

Friday, 17 December at 1:19 p.m. CT

Influence of Nonseasonal River Discharge on Sea Surface Salinity and Height

(Session GC53D-05, Convention Center – Room 208-2010)

Friday, 17 December at 4 p.m. CT

Poster: "Automated High Resolution Digital Surface Model Creation for Inundation Studies of Coastal Cities"

(Session OS55D-0727, Convention Center – Poster Hall, D-F)

Friday, 17 December at 3:15 p.m. CT

High-Tide Flooding and Storm Surge During Atmospheric Rivers on the US West Coast

(Session OS54A-08, Convention Center – Room 223)

Friday, 17 December at 4 p.m. CT

Poster: "Rapid increases and extreme months in projections of United States high-tide flooding"

(Session OS55D-0726, Convention Center – Poster Hall, D-F)